SamY wrote: 
> Well that's a "good news / bad news" scenario if I ever saw one. The
> good news is that the response times for everything except the volume
> changes are dramatically improved, presumably due to the AVR reset.
> However, every one of the volume change requests continue to time out.
> Also, just as with David's setup, the initial volume level reported by
> the client during "power on" is 0, which messes up the volume
> synchronization logic and causes the AVR volume to be muted until the
> first volume request is received.
A misleading case of correlation-without-causation as my initial volume
was actually 0! Oops.
SamY wrote: 
> The approach I was considering taking in regard to that issue was to use
> the current volume reported by the AVR in response to the "Z2ON" request
> which, in David's case was 58 and which I believe represents the volume
> setting of Zone 2 when it was last turned off. However, your debug shows
> that value to be 77, which would translate in your system to over 75% of
> the maximum AVR volume permitted by the plugin max volume setting of
> -10, which works out to .75 x 70dB or ~53dB. Does that seem reasonable
> for your setup or would it be excessive?
My zone two’s settings are; volume range: from -79dB to 18dB, with hard
limit set at -3dB. The way the AVR reports back those settings leave me
scratching my head, but those are the resulting numbers I keep seeing;
-10, and 77.
SamY wrote: 
> …

SamY wrote: 
> So the biggest problem I see in your system, and the only one that can't
> be directly addressed in the plugin, is the fact that your AVR does not
> respond to Zone 2 volume commands. In reality, even that is only a
> problem if it causes erratic behavior from the user perspective. Unlike
> most of the other commands, there are no plugin actions that depend on
> receiving volume control responses. Does the AVR volume seem to respond
> as expected to client volume changes?
Yes, all volume changes are responded to promptly even if all those
calls do end up in the error routine.

SamY wrote: 
> Also, did you try using a different client app to see if it made any
> difference in the plugin behavior?
I did not. The logs I post are from ‘talking’ directly to LMS (FF on
W10, and LMS is running of that system), and the Material apk, I was
told, is just a WebView (that’s Bromite in my case, for most other’s
that would be straight Chrome) wrapper for CSS/js of the skin, so it’s
basically talking to LMS directly as well. Should make no difference,
but if you think it’d be still worthwhile to try on one the other LMS UI
skins (as that’s all they are), it’s no problem. Just let me know.

SamY wrote: 
> I will have a new version of the code ready in the next couple of days
> which will address the initial volume setting problem. After that will
> be the first version with actual support for the Quick Select function.
> Thanks for your continued help.
And to you for all your efforts at improving the plugin,


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