MichaelPr wrote: 
> But I've an odd behavior with one CD which I guess also occurred with
> V1.10 but I never took notice about. With this CD (OASIS/ Definitely
> Maybe - [Helter Shelter from 1994]) it always needs about 15 sec. to
> play something (Start playing/ Start from pause/ Jump to next track,
> etc.) The time counter starts until 15 sec. /silent and jumps back to 0
> sec. to start playing. It's something like 15 sec. caching... before
> streaming
> Edit: Other CDs shows a similar behavior but only with 2 to 3 sec. delay
> (which normally goes unnoticed). Can't see any related debug messages
> but the same DVD-Drive did not show the behavior connected to a Windows
> 10/VLC PC. Will try it within the next days with v1.10.

This is normal. This is true for all sources but is only noticed when
there are long delay to start (e.g. a very slow internet stream, high
sample rate and radio station buffer seconds has been set large).

The WebUI will start a clock once play has been pressed on the basis
that it will take no time to start playing (e.g. a file).  The clock is
reset once acctual playback has started.  

In this case, the delay before and audio stream starts will depend on
the CD (e.g. scratches, pressing, age etc.  I have one CD which the
drive hates and takes over  20 secs to get going - sometimes never),
what the OS has cached about the CD and the speed of the CD drive.  I
can do nothing about it - it is between CD, cdda2wav and OS.

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