I've been playing around in my beta with more relaxed intents where you
can (initially) leave out some parameters that are currently always

Take *PlayAlbum* as an example. Currently, you must always specify
*both* the {Album} name and the desired {Artist}. If you leave out the
artist and just mention the album name, Alexa will -always- ask for the
artist. That makes sense for 'Greatest Hits' because you probably have
many of those and the artist name is needed to filter down. But what of
an album like 'Phaedra' or 'Dark side of the Moon', where it's very
likely the artist is TD or Pink Floyd? You might have several versions
of DSOTM but they are all by Floyd. 

What I've toyed with is checking for a match when you only specify
{Album} on its own:

* If there is just one hit, it plays and you are told who the matched
artist was. 
* If there are several hits and they are all *by the same artist*, the
best fuzzy match (usually shortest) of the album name plays and you are
told who the artist is. If you had wanted one of the other variants such
as e.g. Vinyl / Live / Remastered, you could have specified that along
with the album name originally - e.g. 'DSOTM Vinyl' - and then that
would play instead of plain DSOTM.
* If there are several hits *and also* several artists the query
matches, you are asked "... By what artist is that?" and the command
re-runs with the included artist name in the search.

This needs a voice-model change and thus recertification, so I may as
well include a few other community desires before submitting and get it
all done in one whack. 

Where else is this type of relaxation desirable? PlaySong, I guess? What

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