Cut-Throat wrote: 
> If you are using PiCorePlayer, the best option IMO is running the LMS
> Server on the Raspberry Pi.... That's what I do, in spite of having a
> Synology NAS. I have used Docker and the previous Synology NAS solution,
> but since the Developers of PiCorePlayer use a Raspberry Pi for their
> Server, I felt it best to follow in their footsteps. It's really a lot
> simpler than running the Server off of the NAS
Sounds interesting, but I fear I'd lose days of my life buying my first
Pi and setting it up to reproduce what my Synology DS already does for
me self-contained in one box.

Once both solutions are configured an running (Docker / Pi), what are
the benefits to running LMS via the Pi as opposed to on the NAS - I've
not really read a clear list of advantages that have sold me on the

In the solution you describe, are you still pointing your Pi at the
music on your Synology NAS via your router, or using a separate hard
drive plugged into your Pi to behave as the LMS music library on the Pi

My setup:
- LMS 7.9.1-168 running on Synology D218+ connected to Wi-Fi router
  via LAN cable
- 1 x Squeezebox Touch, 2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 x Squeezebox
  Receiver, plus Squeeze Player and Squeeze Ctrl Android apps on Samsung
  Galaxy Tab S5e and Samsung Galaxy A40 - all connecting over Wi-Fi
- LMS library either ALAC Apple Lossless (scanned in on iTunes) or
  ACC/M4A 256kbps downloads from iTunes
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