What exactly was improved with Spotify Ogg Direct streaming?  Seeking
improvements, or something else?

Yes, native seeking. Previosly Spotty would switch to PCM when seeking, sometimes causing a change in volume level. Plus I believe previously embedded non-standard meta data in the Ogg stream could cause glitches in playback.

Also, is what you're calling Ogg Direct here, simply when File Types is
set to both "Prefer native format" and Spotty->"Ogg Vorbis" file type is
set to "spotty-x86_64" (or something other than Disabled, depending on
server platform)??

Yes. I called it this way because initially spotty would receive Ogg, but always decode to PCM. With Ogg Direct it can send the Ogg data directly to the player without decoding it to PCM (and re-encode it to FLAC to save bandwidth etc.).
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