bpa wrote: 
> My understanding. 
> Where the program is a BBC originated even such as a Panel show, drama
> or a live performance such a concert, in studio or Proms  - BBC makes
> sure beforehand it has agreed all the rights to broadcast (live &
> repeats) with the performers. 
> Sports events etc which are not put on by BBC and so BBC have to buy the
> rights and accept restrictions by event organiser. 
> Others rights such as from composers - often don't apply to R3 which has
> a lot classical or are negotiated as part of the event or normal
> Performing Right fees.  R4 content is mainly contemporary.

That sounds about right in so far as I understand it.  The Beeb are in
somethink of a bind - they are public service, and with an implicit (and
sometimes explicit) mission to have the UK "heard around the world".... 
But money and contracts matter too, and sometimes the public and the
private get in a tangle.

We had a conversation here ?last year? about oddities that do crop up. 
IIRC, I could hear Test Match Special on my French-based laptop - no VPN
- using the BBC webpage;  but I could only get the Rights Restriction
message when trying to access it via LMS.  As I recall, someone
suggested a couple of useful ways of getting LMS to mirror what I was
hearing on my laptop......  Where there's a will, there's a way - and
I've seldom encountered a more helpful set of folks than those here in
the Forums!

LMS 8.1.2 - 1622353561 
Control: Web GUI; sometimes OrangeSqueeze on Android phones / pads

Machines / devices are in France, in two locations.
a) Livebox 4
Internal HDD (FLAC music; mp3 voice), Desktop
3 x Touch - 2 wireless, 1 LAN. (7.8.0-r16754)
3 x SB Radios [2 wireless, 1 LAN] (7.7.3-r16676)
1 x Riva Arena (via Airplay LMS PlugIn)

b) Freebox
External SSD (all mp3), WiFi Laptop
1 x Touch LAN (Firmware:7.8.0-r16754)
2 x SB Radios, Wireless (7.7.3-r16676)
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