My boot.txt is all HDMI stuff apart from "dtparam=audio=on" which looks
pretty unexciting.

I had tried the -a 120:4::0 suggested at the top of this thread which
seems to work. I am just trying to understand what these numbers mean. I
think I'll post a new more specific thread.

I have also tried your recent "-o sysdefault:CARD=Headphones" suggestion
which doesn't seem to have worked either. 
ExecStart=/usr/bin/squeezelite -o sysdefault:CARD=Headphones -n
Pi_SqueezeliteService -C 5 -a :::0

On another note, every time I make a change I reboot the Pi to be sure
it takes effect. Is there an easier way to stop/start squeezelite with
the new options in squeezelite.service? I'm very new to Linux! It seems
I should stick these options in /etc/default/squeezelite and simplify
the ExecStart line?

I was a complete techie 30 years ago - haven't got a clue now!! So thank
you for the help!!

SB3 -> Quad 909 -> Quad Electrostatic speakers, Quad 405 -> TBI
3 x SB3s + SB Radio
LMS on Raspbian on a Pi4
Rotel RSP1068 surround processor, Quad 707 -> B&W surround
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