MediaServer's handling of favorites has been extensively re-written to
improve the user-experience with nested hierarchies. The call-out of
ordinal numbering while listing favorite names was removed as it adds
little value. Folder names are likewise no longer called-out, as they
are not in themselves playable audio items.

In the past, MediaServer always retrieved -all- your favorites
recursively from LMS before processing anything further. From now on, a
fuzzy-match is attempted at each retrieved level and further retrieval
stops upon a match. Top-level items therefore play/stream much quicker.

To assist with handling very deep nesting levels, the DOT notation now
fudges a favorite ID for XMLbrowser after retrieving the base-item ID
from the top level of the hierarchy. This makes it possible to play
favorites at -any- depth without timeouts, provided you can figure out
from looking at the LMS GUI (default skin!) what the numbers between the
dots should actually be :cool: It's better than failure!

Here's a summary of the 4 ways to play/stream favorites:

*[NAME]* 'Play favorite "Jazz FM"' — looks for a (fuzzy) match by name.
Although all hierarchical levels will be traversed if necessary, an
early match now stops unnecessary further recursion.

*[NUMBER]* 'Play favorite number 6' / 'Play my sixth favorite' — plays a
favorite from any hierarchical level, based on its position in the
overall flattened hierarchy. Useful if the favorite-name is
long/unwieldy or Alexa regularly misunderstands it.

*[ITEM]* 'Play favorite: folder "Podcasts", item 4' — plays a favorite
within a named folder, denoted by the favorite's numbered position
within that folder. Useful for targeting e.g. episodes by number when
you cannot remember their names.

*[DOT]* 'Play favorite 5 dot 1 dot 6' — if you have a -lot- of favorites
and Alexa always times out before your hierarchy is traversed, this
notation can be used as a fallback to successfully play deeply-nested
favorites. It does not request the whole hierarchy from LMS, just the
base level (for the volatile ID #) and then the favorite itself

When it comes to *listing* favorites, there are 3 approaches:

'List my favorites' — lists all playable audio favorites at any depth,
skipping folder names found along the way. The whole nested
favorites-hierarchy is effectively flattened to mention only
playable-audio entries.

List level 2 favorites' / 'List second level favorites' — mentions all
favorites at that level of hierarchy, even if in different parent
folders along the way. Level is level!

'List favorites in folder "Radio"' — list playable entries in that named
folder, no matter how deep 'Radio' lies in the overall hierarchy.


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