raglencross wrote: 
> My favourites consist of 4 folders with the 4th folder containing 4
> subfolders. When I ask MS on an echo show to list level 2 favourites, it
> correctly lists the contents of the first 3 folders by showing each
> folder and its contents in succession.  A level 3 request results in the
> contents of the the 4th folder's subfolders and contents being listed as
> expected. My problem is when I request an item using the "dot" notation
> [e.g. Stream favourite 2 (level No.)dot 3 (level item No.)], I get an
> error that says the device can't determine the base ID to apply to the
> dotted notation. In the quoted post you also talk about a base ID which
> I don't understand what this is in my file structure.  Just to note, the
> dot notation did work for me when the folders were part of the listings
> e.g. "Stream favourite 4 dot 2 dot 5" played the 5th item in the 2nd
> subfolder of folder No. 4. That 4th folder has a lot of German names and
> the dot notation was a neat way of getting around me trying to murder
> the German language ;-) I can of course access all items using their
> item number alone, but I would like to figure out the dot level
> approach.

The base-ID is not an end-user's concern, it's mine. Favorites in LMS
are more like a plugin-thing than a built-in. They have to be
queried/controlled via LMS' XML Browser which is basically like parsing
the UI's menu structure and figuring out which sub-item to select. Very
unlike control for e.g. songs/albums/genres/playlists. Every time I call
up XML Browser, it uses a different set of ephemeral IDs for
-everything-, but the dotted sub-parts remains the same. The base ID
changes on every call so it has to be figured out each time
(unfortunately). It's like SeaSide-FM is 1fbd2fed.2.3 now but
e2b431ac.2.3 next time. Etc. Without the base-ID I cannot apply the
correct dotted sub-ID to play it. 

Playing via dot notation used to first request all the favorites (which
was fine if your internet and LMS server are fast). Then the whole ID is
just there every time and nothing has to be fudged. I decided to change
it because lots of people have problems with nested favorites due to
slow internet or LMS. By just requesting the top level favorites and not
recursing, I can figure out what the ID of a sub-favorite would be by
fudging. And so the theory goes :rolleyes:

I have not yet figured out why your LMS is not returning a base-ID that
I can discern. In my testing (with v8.3) it always worked just fine.
What LMS version are you on? I've added some debug lines to the code so
if you could please try a few more commands that result in the base-ID
error I can take a deeper look.

The dotted notation indeed used to include the position of folder names
in the hierarchy but I took that out. If you want to figure out the new
dotted notation, just skip folders when counting at each level. If
that's a pain I can put the folders back in. Having them in makes
listing favorites longer than needed but probably would not be a
negative thing for playing/streaming. Would it be confusing if they were
not mentioned during listing but needed to be counted when playing?

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