Paul Webster wrote: 
> Listening live to More or Less on BBC R4 - it started at 09:00 (approx)
> and will finish at 09:30 (approx) but LMS UIs show a duration of 3
> hours.
> Right now showing 20:00 minutes played and 2:40:00 remaining.
> On LMS web UI the remaining time sometimes flips between the correct
> remaining time and the long one.
> The previous programme was Today - which is 3 hours long ... so my guess
> is that it has somehow picked that.
> The next programme is Four Thought which is 15 minutes long so I don't
> think it is involved in this issue.
> LMS 8.2.1, BBC Sounds 2.20.4

Hmmm,  I've had a look and I'm struggling to see how it got into that
situation,  I'm guessing that there was some glitch where the progress
bar has been set up correctly with the right duration, but the meta data
has the wrong duration (or vice versa), so every time it gets the meta
data it gets in a tizz.   You didn't happen to switch to debug logging
on bbc sounds when it was happening (I know its ridiculously verbose). 
Or, if not, anything in the logs that gives a clue?

Stuart McLean   

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