Hi there!
I'm using this plugin as part of my home automation setup. I wrote a
'rhasspy' (https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io) sound output plugin that uses
this plugin to make my local voice assistant respond to me on my
squeezebox devices (I might release this publicly once I clean it up a
bit), even while music is playing.

It works great, for the most part. However, there is one issue. If I do
something like "resume living room music", rhasspy will detect that and
try to continue playback on the relevant player. However, it will also
send a "request recognized" sound to the squeezebox using aforementioned
rhasspy plugin that uses this LMS plugin.

This will end up in a race condition where the announce sound is what's
happening while the play command comes in and so nothing really happens.
The notification sound finishes playing and after that, the music still
won't play.

I think to fix this, we'd need a queue for API requests coming in while
the notification sound is playing. When we restore the play queue, we
could then work off the command queue.

I don't know much perl, so I have a hard time reading this plugins (and
LMS') source code. Would something like that be feasible?

Oh also, Servus, fellow Austrian ;)

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