mherger wrote: 
> > Could something be wrong with this version? After I updated it does
> play
> > some, but not all albums.
> Argh... you're right! The recent change breaks playing back an album 
> which has works integrated. This needs more thought...

2.4.11 restored behaviour as before :D 
looks like you reverted to pre 2.4.10 functionality.

As an idea, for wanting to show the works structure of an album: when
you click on the album cover a list is generated with various content:
the tracks, artist, label, qobuz goodies, etc. So you have a mixture of
playable and non-playable entries in the list. When 'we' click on the
play button, only the playable entries are moved to the play list. What
about (after clicking on the album for more details) if you write some
programcode to insert a non-playable entry with the works information?
Now the first entry is: browse by work, maybe keep that but also add
additional non-playable entries with the actual work the tracks belong


|Filename: Schermafbeelding 2021-10-22 om 09.19.15.jpg              |

does the all-black SB sound better than the white SB?
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