I have not tried "play some..." and "play something by..." (Overlooked
in a such a feature rich command set:confused:). They will do the trick,
save for by year and all genres.  The former is not particularly
important to me, but I sure like to play my entire library (i.e. all
genres) when using it for background music. Is there any way of doing
this? Currently, I use Plex and Mymedia to do this with the Echo.

Yes, the last folder is item No. 24 in the list not counting the first 2
folders. As requested, I have ask for a favourites listing twice in the
last few minutes and now see why I am confused. I am using an echo show
and what appears on the screen is not what Alexa is saying. Since we
humans are very visual, I have been ignoring what is spoken and going
with what is shown. Alexa lists all items in order in and out of folders
and concludes with naming the folders. The show's screen lists the top 2
folders then all the items in and out of folders and, in my case, the
third folder at the end of my LMS GUI list shows up as No. 24. If I had
my "druthers", I would like the spoken list to be the same as what is on
the screen, as well as folders listed together to keep the DOT notation
simple(e.g. 0.1, 0.2,...0.x), if possible. It is much easier to remember
that I have folders "1, 2, and 3" rather than "1, 2, and 24".

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