cpd73 wrote: 
> Bug-fix release, main changes:
> >   > 
  -  Close players menu 3/4 of a second after long-press on 'Manage
  > players' entry, to (try to) prevent item being incorectly selected.
  -  If set to show technical info then also append this to track
  > details when using 'Copy details' action.
  -  Try to work-around LMS returning incorrect queue size.
  -  Make 'Source' entry in now-playing a link to online service's
  > track, if possible.
  -  Correctly handle LMS's new British English language setting.
  > > > If I long press "Manage players" a player still gets checked. There is a
difference where a continued long press doesn't highlight a player any
more and a player does not become checked after this longer press which
is the same behaviour as before. The shorter long press still results in
a checked player though.

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