cpd73 wrote: 
> Sorry, I honestly don't know. There are lots of meta-data blocks in your
> example. Perhaps they are confusing the 'rust tag reader library'
> (https://github.com/Serial-ATA/lofty-rs) I'm using? I actually only have
> 1 FLAC album in my collection, the rest being MP3 or M4A.
> As stated earlier on, these are the first Rust programs I've written -
> and I've basically jsut being putting pieces of Rust libraries together.
> It's possible this is an issue with the library.
Sure, I wasn't complaining. Just providing some info. Now it's
progressing in its analysis. Once it finishes I will run a new analyse
with debug logs active, maybe those could give a clearer idea?

I mentioned this especially because the error message is wrong in this
case. There are tags and they are of the type the library should be
capable of interpreting. I'll try and provide more info later.

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