gorman wrote: 
> Problem is that my LMS does not respond from but only from
> and I have that in the config.ini, like this
> lms=

Mixer does not use config.ini, only the analyser. Mixer is designed to
be started/stopped by the plugin so has no config file. The mixer will
bind to a random port at start-up, and will then inform the plugin (via
JSONRPC) of this port number - which is why it needs the LMS address. If
the plugin does not get the port from the mixer then it assumes the
mixer did not start correctly.

gorman wrote: 
> Manually editing all and localhost entries in Plugin.pm,
> changing them to the error does not appear.

I'll see about getting LMS's bind address from the config, or some other
means, and use that when starting the mixer.

gorman wrote: 
> But the Bliss mix simply fails. I have scanned over 25,000 tracks.
> Either I don't understand how this works or something is wrong if it
> can't find a plausible mix from all that music.
> > 
  >   > 
  > [22-03-13 23:59:45.4304] Plugins::BlissMixer::Plugin::_cliCommand (288) 
BlissMix Track Seed D:\Music\FLAC\Tears for Fears - 2022 - The Tipping Point\08 
Master Plan.flac
  > [22-03-13 23:59:45.4306] Plugins::BlissMixer::Plugin::_cliCommand (330) Num 
tracks for BlissMix: 1
  > [22-03-13 23:59:45.4308] Plugins::BlissMixer::Plugin::_getMixData (969) 
Request {"genregroups":[],"norepalb":25,"tracks":["D:/Music/FLAC/Tears for 
Fears - 2022 - The Tipping Point/08 Master 
  > ...
> > 
> (I cut some of the songs in the playlist to stay within the 10,000
> character limit. But it fails both in creating a mix from a single
> song and in creating a mix after a long playlist, through DSTM)

(I also cut more out). The reason I -think- things are failing is
because the plugin is sending the whole music path
"D:/Music/FLAC/Tears..." - whereas I'd imagine in your DB you only have
"FLAC/Tears..." The mixer then cannot find the seed tracks in its DB, so
mix fails.

When sending the track list to the mixer, the plugin -should- strip your
configured media folder path from the tracks path. e.g. if media folder
was "D:\Music" then "FLAC/Tears..." would be sent (the plugin converts
"" to "/" - so that you can, for example, analyse on Windows but run LMS
on a Pi). What is you music folder set to in LMS?

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.
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