bpa wrote: 
> We sort of working on similar areas.  Commands.pm is where "m3u"
> playlist processing is hardcoded into using an LMS routine which PlayHLS
> has indicated it will do processing - so there will be a disconnect
> later.  It is not unreasonble as LMS is using a custom extension of m3u
> So I am working on feasibility of separating m3u8 processing from m3u as
> otherwise the fix may require updates to LMS(e.g. 
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::M3U->readCurTrackForM3U becomes
> $playlisttype->readCurTrackForM3U )which means many users would not get
> benefit unless they updated.

I see that there are actually 3 places that M3U->readCurTrackForM3U is
called in Commands.pm, so I'm guessing that all of them would need
As you say, it would perhaps be simpler if you can somehow separate m3u8
from m3u; apologies if this gives you a headache when this problem
probably has no impact for most people :)

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