gnackwatschn wrote: 
> In refer to my github issue I am writing here to discuss an issue I am
> experiencing. 
> LMS shows volume control in % (0% - 100%). My AVR shows also volume in %
> (0%-98%). When I set LMS volume to 5%, it is translated to 20% on my
> AVR. 10% is translated to 28.5% on my AVR and so on. 
> I do not know if this is intended behavior or not. In my opinion, this
> does not make much sense and is not straightforward. Why would I want to
> have two different % values for one player? I think such a nonlinear
> behavior only makes sense for transforming % to dB and vice versa. 
> The behavior is independent from client apps (Squeezer, LMS Material). 
> So if this behavior is a bug, please see my github issue as a bug
> report. If the behavior is intended, please see this as a feature
> request, to get an optional 1:1 volume transfer, where 5% in LMS is 5%
> on my AVR and 10% is 10% and so on.

As I said in my response to your Github issue, you are mistaken when you
refer to the AVR volume scale as a percentage. It is, in fact, a decibel
range, whether you choose to display it on a scale of 0 to 98 or -79.5
to 18, as the Denon allows you to do. The linear 0-100 percent scale of
the player does not directly correlate to the 0-98 decibel scale of the
AVR, which is logarithmic rather than linear. An increase of 3dB at any
point in the range is a doubling of perceived volume. The plugin uses an
algorithm based on psychoacoustics to translate between the two scales.
is an article you might want to read for further information on the
decibel scale.

To get back to your problem, I would suggest you ensure that the
incremental change value  in whatever client apps you use is set to as
low a value as possible, especially when listening at low levels. I have
found that a value of +/-2 is ideal for use with the plugin.

Thanks for your input and I hope this information is helpful.

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