Hi Phillipe - thanks for your continued work on these plug-ins.  I got
around to trying your new version of UPnP Bridge - version on
LMS 8.3.0, on a Win 10 laptop with i7 processor. I thought you might
want another test result of the new plug-in, as i once again experienced
the track skipping/truncation problem we talked about a few months ago
with the old plug-in version. My settings for the new Bridge plug-in
were completely default, with binary set to "static".  The log begins
with trying Radio Paradise then another internet radio station briefly
(no problems), then an MP3 album.  First 2 tracks played fine, advanced
to 3rd track, 3rd track skipped to 4th track about 3/4 through, 4th
track played then skipped to 5th track about 3/4 through. 5th track
played through, and i stopped it after 6th track started.
I understand if it is too early to try to troubleshoot individual minor
issues like this - I can wait for future updates of the plug-in if you
think that will resolve things.

PS - as I am not a "github kinda guy", i had no idea how to try your new
plug-in until i saw Paul Webster's post in another thread recently about
there being an "other repository" field for pasting your link at the
bottom of the plug-ins list in LMS.  I learned something new!

|Filename: upnpbridge log 1.zip                                     |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=39310|

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