I'm seeing a small problem with the "continue listening" feature in the
plugin.  When I've listened to part of a show via LMS and then come back
to it later using the "continue listening" menu, it tells me that
there's only 1 minute remaining.  If I then start playing the show in
question, it actually resumes at the right place where I left off.  

If  I go into the BBC Sounds website and look at the same show, I see
the same thing, the progress bar on the My Sounds summary page is fully
orange, it says 1 minute remaining, but then actually resumes playing at
the correct point as well, when I click into the show to play it.

I guess this may be a BBC bug, but I did also notice that if I play a
show through the website only, it does seem to get the summary info
correct and this issue doesn't appear.

tw99's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=51684
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