bernt;282487 Wrote: 
> I think you got the path wrong. I have a mount point named 250G and a
> share named data with a folder named slimnas. All files are saved in
> slimnas.
> So the the command looks like this.
> /bin/sh /mnt/250G/slimnas/
> Note that the sharename is not in the path, only the mount point name
> and the slimnas folder. Not the share name.
> Your commandline should look like this
> /bin/sh /mnt/mount_point_name/slimnas/
> You find the mount point name in FreeNAS under Disks > Mount Point.

Dear Bernt - Thank you very much for your help. 

I understood the Mount Point and shared folder issue, but the slimnas
installation keeps not working for me. I did a report with screens in
two options - one file .doc in word and another file  .jpeg using
photoshop,  to show what I did and them maybe you can show me what is
wrong !!!  

Once again thank you and best regards  

MaWe - Mario  

Is there any e-mail address to send the report to you - if you donĀ“t
mind - as it is impossible to attach it here because of the size
(because of the image of the screens inside it) ?

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