After some massaging I managed to get squeezecenter-7.1-18180-noCPAN.tgz
to install and run. There seams to be a bug in this nightly where an
artist with songs without an album (click on no album) and it loads all
of the songs without an album as well, so I may go ahead and upgrade to
the current FreeNAS release and then start over. My data is in a raid
set which just needs to be remounted once I install on the OS drive (a
spare 4gb ide drive). Thanks again for a great product Michael.

On another note. My server is a Celeron 600 mhz with 256mb ram and with
SC7 up and running and with a library of about 10k songs it uses just
over 200mb ram and about 10% cpu utilization. Performance is snappy on
a SB3. Haven't tested with a SBC yet.

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