I have upgraded my SC installation to the same as Michael's
(7.0.1-18530) and can now get FreeNAS to reliably restart SC on a
reboot or after a clean shutdown of the FreeNAS installation. However
if FreeNAS screws up its shutdown for some reason then on the next
clean start of FreeNAS I have to manually start SC but I don't have to
re-install it.

As part of the SlimNAS installation a startup and a shutdown command
are added to System: Advanced: Command scripts.  The shutdown script
-f /mnt/Disk1/slimnas/usr/www/services_slimserver_stop.php) appears to
be missing from my installation of SlimNAS.  Could this be the problem
?  If during a clean shutdown or reboot could FreeNAS being doing
something that equates to a clean shutdown of SlimNAS but if the
shutdown gets screwed up  THEN it leaves SlimNAS in a 'damaged' state
until it is next manually restarted which cleans it up again ?

BTW - FreeNAS 0.69 is the latest FreeNAS installation builing on
FreeBSD 6.3 rather than FreeBSD 6.2 used for the earlier versions. 
Other than this problem with occasionally failing to restart, SlimNAS
works incredibly well on this version of FreeNAS as it has on previous
versions thanks to Michael's hard work and the improved facilities of
SqueezeCenter.  I get the impression that he is struggling a bit with
this problem but I am sure he will work it out in the end. Michael,
thanks very much for your efforts.


ceejayemm's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13296
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