robroe;320643 Wrote: 
> Once 1) and 2) are completed what will become of the web version? I can
> see maintaining 2 sides would be a pain for you and the plugin
> developers. 
Good question. Will only be able to answer when I know how much work it
will be to maintain functionality on that one. Will certainly not get
TOO much NEW functionality then.
But then it IS already quite loaded, isn't it?
Things that will certainly be very low on the priority list for the
WEBAPP will be playlist management and favorites management (beyond
what's there today).
> This might be a silly question, but how confident are you that you will
> be able to distribute it? Do you have any fears that Apple may not allow
> it? 
No, I don't think it's a silly question and it has crossed my mind,
too. In the end this is somewhat competition to their AppleTV.
I've asked them and they tell me there is no official policy on what
they will allow and what they won't. It's completely ut to them.
But my current feeling is, they are being quite open. They want to
press iPhone into the market as a mass market platform so they don't
want to allow competitors to find upmarket niches. And the Squeezeboxes
are not exactly competition.
> Would it be worth submitting a very early version to check it gets
> through and hopefully to generate some revenue for you (I don't know if
> you will give it away free and take donations or sell it - I would be
> happy to pay for it, given the amount of work and the fact that the web
> one may still be floating around if you want a "free" version). 
I had this idea, too. But the problem is: If you distribute this
through the iTunes store you will not only have Squeezebox enthusiasts
stumble upon it so you want somewhat decent not to generate
There's still a few people around who have seen how slow the early
iPeng versions were and don't believe it's usable as a remote.


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