OK, announcement time again:

Since Andy fixed enhancement request 6626 last Friday, you can now
“Stream” your database to your iPhone/iPod with iPeng!

Today we’ve got the first beta of a tool Coolio has been waiting for
from the very beginning. It was his (and my) Christmas wish but now it
came true in summer: “Stream” your library to iPhone/iTouch!

OK, it’s still early beta and has some “experimental” appeal, but it

What does it do? Well, you can’t stream mp3 streams to iPhone. Still
not. But iPhone can play mp3s  on your server. So what iPeng does: it
has a new NowPlaying plugin, called “iPeng Local Playback” that will
give you your actual playlist as a set of mp3 files (no, you don’t see
that, it’s just a list) and you can click them to play.

QuickTime will open and play back the track and all that follow.

Sounds cool? Is cool.

However, it’s still experimental, so it comes with some issues, which
hopefully will be sorted out soon, but definitely for the local app:

* You have to turn off the screensaver. That’s probably the biggest
one. MobileSafari switches off event handling when the screen saver
kicks in. The result of this is: the playlist will not advance after
the currently playing track. A workaround is to unlock the screen saver
manually after each track but this is not fun. :-( I do have a good idea
how to fix it, but it’s work. iPhone simply does not support this better
right now.
* The skip buttons don't work for the same reason.
* mp3 and AAC only. No transcoding on the server (yet). It’s being
worked on… (bug 8808)
* You still need a player connected to the server. SqueezeCenter
can only manage a playlist for a player, so you need one. Can be a
computer (through the mp3-stream) or SoftSqueeze (which comes with
SqueezeCenter), but it’s needed. I filed an enhancement request
(http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8803) so hopefully this
will also be sorted out soon.
* The Quicktime Control acts somewhat erratically on the screen. It
will sometimes overlay the top menu bar. This seems to be an Apple bug.
Don’t know, if they’ll fix it. It doesn’t look good, but it does not
kill any functionality, just swipe away the Playback page and it will
go away, too.

So how does it work?

1. Download and install the latest beta of SqueezeCenter 7.1 (build
21902 or later)
2. Download the iPeng 0.5.2 file from the Downloads page
3. Install it. If you’ve got iPeng 0.5.1 (only that one) installed,
you can install it over the old version and then you don’t need to
restart the server.

Have fun!


You don't like the quirks above? You can help. This is how:

1. Write a plugin that exports the curent playlist as Quicktime
playlist. The QT plugin on iPhone does not support adding more than one
track at (the interface does not exist) so I cannot add up the whole
list on the client side. However, if somebody wrote a tool that
provides an CLI interface to request the whole current playlist as a
playlist Quicktime understands, the issues with the screen saver and
the skip buttons can go away.
I know close to nothing about QuickTime so please don't ask me, how to
do this ;-)
If nobody does this, this issues will only go away with the native
2. Write a "stub" player (bug 8803). This would allow the use of iPeng
for playing music independent of a player. Without this, this issue
will not even go away on the native app.


see iPeng at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49821

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