mbonsack;369549 Wrote: 
> Well, I recently upgraded to 7.3, put Greg's repo in the box, and all
> the UI did was expand the list for another repo.  SuperDateTime did not
> show up on the "recommended 3rd party plugins" list.  
> [EDIT] It turns out that any of the other 3rd party repos display fine
> when I select "Save Settings".  In fact, all *but* SDT work.  The only
> thing I can think of is that I did have an old installation of 5.8.1
> installed manually, and when I tried the repo in earlier versions of
> 7.3 it showed up, but with the notation "Manually installed".  Now,
> nothing.  Is there anything I need to do, other than move
> /var/lib/squeezecenter/Plugins out of the way (which contains my
> "manual" installation) to clear this up?
> Ideas?
I'd blow away the manual SDT installation and restart.  Otherwise there
are conflicting versions of Perl code so my guess is there's code in SC
to handle this situation by blocking the repository stuff.

As you may know SDT is now part of the recommended 3rd party plugin
list repo maintained by Slim.  Since there is some lag between when I
release updates and when the they update their repo you may notice some
version number inconsistencies on what is the latest version.  My repo
will always represent the latest/greatest (at least what version I
think is!).


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