>The easiest way to get up-to-date when you're running SqueezeCenter 7.3
>is to delete my plugins from your normal Plugins directory and use the
>web > Settings > Extension Downloader with my extension respository
>URL, http://www.tux.org/~peterw/slim/slim7/repodata.xml -- Extension
>Downloader not only simplifies installation, but also learning about &
>applying updates.
I prefer manual install.

I added your repo to Extension Downloader, and it doesn't seem to list all of 
your plugins listed from your web page (http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim).

eg. I know I have manually installed ContextMenu.  i.e. ContextMenu does not 
show up as either an available plugin or a manually installed plugin.

I would love it if Extension Downloader could indicate if a newer version of a 
manually installed plugin were available.  I could then follow the link and 
update manually.  But I don't think it does that at the moment.

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