I have tried to install the WaveInput plugin. But it seems something is
going wrong when trying start the plugin. I get the following error
when  I try to play my favorite wavin:0

[08-12-17 10:17:52.5922] Slim::Player::Song::open (341) Error: Couldn't
create command line for wavin playback for [wavin:0]

If I put the lines from wavin-convert.conf file into the servers
convert.conf I get this error:

[08-12-17 10:37:11.7840] Plugins::WaveInput::WAVIN::new (31) WavIn -
new openRemoteStream begin...
[08-12-17 10:37:11.7887] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1889) Error:
While trying to run function coderef
[Slim::Control::Commands::playlistJumpCommand]: [Undefined subroutine
&Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand called at
C:/PROGRA~1/SQUEEZ~1/server/Plugins/WaveInput/WAVIN.pm line 57.

I'm running on Vista Home Premium. Anyone that know what is wrong ?

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