jezbo;379401 Wrote: 
> I'm running 7.0.1 - will look into that. I realise I'm going to have to
> make changes like this often since I'm connecting directly to
> Squeezecenter's mysql database and running queries, which may be tricky
> since I want it to work on all versions and they are likely to change
> things - but it was simply too slow any other way.
There is a database version in the dbix_migration table but I'm not
sure if that table are going to exist forever either. 

There are planned huge changes in SqueezeCenter 8.0 in the database
structure, so relying on the database might be a bad idea. As an
example, it's planed to switch MySQL to SQLite and the database
structure will be possible to customize by the user, see here for more

Music Folder and iTunes scanning still seems to work if you like to use
it against SqueezeCenter, so it might be a solution to just skip the
SqueezeCenter import if it gets too complex.

I think the CLI/JSON interface is the stable way of integrating with
SqueezeCenter, this is supposed to be fairly backward compatible
between releases.

jezbo;379401 Wrote: 
> Did you let the auto-fetch of album art for new albums finish after the
> import? It will always retry if you drill down on a specific album.
I'm not sure, I know I didn't cancel anything but I'm not sure I waited
to start clicking around until it finished. Just to be sure we are
talking about the same thing, I have album covers as tags in my AAC
files and these are the ones I like to be shown, I'm not talking about
retrieving album covers from internet.

Is there a way for me to clean the library and re-run the import to see
if it works better if I just wait for a while ?

jezbo;379401 Wrote: 
> Yes I know, it's not meant to show the player's playlist, it's only
> showing the tracks that have been queued by muso in this session. You
> think that's too flaky?
If you don't show the current playlist in muso there at least have to
be a way to open the SqueezeCenter web interface towards the selected
player from muso. Maybe this already exists and I just haven't found it


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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