blacsno;439354 Wrote: 
> 1. Okay I purchased Ipeng from the app store for my touch Ipod.
> 2. The I file was this "delete
> ~/Library/Caches/SqueezeCenter/plugin-data.yaml" " Nothing "
> 3. I'm unable to try your third option. The App just closes down after 
> starting up in about 6 sec.
> 4. Just to make sure the app installed correctly, I'd turn-off WIFI.
> The I'm able to use the app, but of course you can't see the network.
> 5. Turn off the firewall on Home Server......"Nothing"
> 6. So I gotta ask. Does software understand that I'm running
> squeeze.exe as a service not a client!?
> 7. Just for giggles I went to router and portfoward 9090 to the sever
> address. "Nothing"

OK, crashing after 6s with a 7.3.3 server sounds bad, never had that.
A few things to check:
On only these issues refer to the App, the rest
is about the plugin and apply to you:
So your #2 doesn't apply here.
also, #6 should have no effect as should #7 (iPeng doesn't use port

Apart from that:
1. Could you check whether all your players really have names. That
bug's supposed to fix but I can't test this very well since a player not
having a name is not a legal state in SC and thus I can't reproduce it.
You can change a player name in the SqueezeCenter settings under
2. Are you sure there is no other machine on your network running
SqueezeCenter 7.4? If so, temporarily shut it down until you have
connected iPeng to your main server.
3. I don't believe the issue is that you can't connect to the server
since I don't believe iPeng crashes after 6s without a server. In any
case, you can add a server if you turn off wifi, start iPeng and then go
to "Settings->iPeng Settings".

If all this doesn't help, could you grant me access to your server? You
would have to forward port 9000 (not 9090) on your router.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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