peterw;474070 Wrote: 
> Gordon, I'm working on improvements to KidsPlay to allow escaping " and
> ;. There should be a key routine like &getCommands($client,$macroString)
> that returns an array of command arrays. Each command array would have
> $client or undef in the first (last?) spot and the rest would be CLI
> args parsed out as appropriate. Good point about recognizing MAC
> addresses: I'll update KidsPlay to not require the terminal ":" if the
> first word is a MAC address, so "00:04:20:11:22:33" and
> "00:04:20:11:22:33:" as the first word would mean the same thing.
An array of arrays, or, how about simple loop processing?  This is how
I'm presently doing it:

        my @commands = split('&&', $command );
        foreach my $cmd (@commands) {
                # parse the command
                my ($client, $arrayRef) = 
                if (!defined $arrayRef) {
                $res = Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest($client, 

I'm not regex savvy enough to know offhand what the proper arg for
split would be that would mean: ';' is a token, but not '\;'.  But I'm
sure there is one.

A new version of string_to_array could be written easily enough that
could do all your command parsing, carving out clients from aliases, mac
addresses, keywords, etc.  In the case of multiple clients, $client
could become an array ref.

I can't confidently say that I know the CLI well enough that I can
foresee all the syntax needs here.  And my approach to writing perl code
is pretty heavy handed.  There's probably a more elegant way of going
about this.

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