I've come across an issue in srvrpowerctrl under SQ7.3.4/ubuntu.

I have the plugin set so that after 10pm, if no players are playing, it
shuts the server down.  This works well (brilliant idea).  During the
night, my Windows PC fires-up, runs a bunch of admin tasks including
backing up stuff to my media server.  To do this, the server is woken
remotely.  As discussed earlier in the thread, I issue a "Block" command
through the CLI to stop SPC shutting the server down, then issue a
"Clear afterwards.

What I'm finding though is that after the Clear has been issued, SPC
doesn't then shut the server down.  I tested this during the day too, as

1.  Set SPC to shutdown after 9am, with 0 mins for monitoring idle
2.  Ensure all players are idle.
3.  The server shutdown, as expected.
4.  Restart server
5.  Nothing happens (no subsequent shutdown).

Is this expected behaviour?  It seems that after SPC has performed one
shutdown, it won't do another, until the next monitoring period.   (I
know the above test case is far from ideal, as you could get stuck in a
continous boot/shutdown cycle).

Any thoughts?

chris.mason's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3323
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