wonder boy;529234 Wrote: 
> Think I've exhausted all my options, really disappointed because when it
> worked I thought it was just a great application to go with my
> squeezeboxes. Have tried restoring remote laptop and reinstalling MUSO
> but get same error as before.
> 12457 songs parsed
> 0 songs added
> 0 songs updated
> 12457 scanning errors
> So I tried restoring server and reinstalling sbs 7.4.2 but get exactly
> the same response from MUSO, goodness knows what it can be, think I
> will stick with web UI unless anyone has anymore suggestions?

Have you tried this:

Set the SBS music folder to a folder on a local disc, not an UNC path.

On the computer running muso mount the disc where the SBS music folder
is AND assign that disc the exact same drive letter as on the machine
running SBS, i.e. if the drive letter on the SBS machine is E:, set the
drive letter of that mounted network disc on the muso machine to E:.

If the SBS music folder contains shortcuts that points to other discs
(local paths, not UNC paths) then you will have to mount also those
discs with their original drive letters on the muso machine.

Let the path boxes in muso options be empty.

This works for me, running Win XP on the SBS machine and Win 7 on the
muso machine.


2 x SB3 (wired), Receiver (wireless), Boom (wireless), Controller, iPeng
on iPod Touch, muso on remote computer running Win 7 | 7.4.3 on Win XP
vagskal's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20778
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