Jeff Flowerday;533514 Wrote: 
> Well I'm not to keen on moving to 7.6 beta, I have huge music collection
> and sqllite concerns me.
It shouldn't.
I fully understand that you are reluctant and I did indeed have some
trouble to get it up and running. But from what I see here it works at
least 10 times as fast with iPeng on Albums queries and artwork
> Can Andy not get the fix into 7.5.1?
I think no. The bug has been known for months and actually has been
fixed for 7.6 (or for 7.5 embedded what it was then) also months ago.
7.6 does quite a few things differently, one of them being artwork
handling and I don't think they are going to completely re-write that
for something that's going out of service with the next release...

The problem is related to scanning folders by browsing there using the
"Music Folder" functionality instead of doing a normal scan. You can
avoid issues by not doing that (browsing new folders first) but always
using a rescan instead. It doesn't have to be a "Clear and Rescan" for
this, just the normal scan would work, I'm just not sure it still does
whenever you actually caught one of the erroneous thumbs...


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