Sunnysekot;545769 Wrote: 
> I want to use the funktion Extras->Other Players->Kitchen to turn down
> the volume of kitchen. But there are still the buttons of player (and
> profile)"living room" active (Problem 1) AND I would like to control
> Kitchen via WLAN-Commands (for player kitchen) (without changing player
> to kitchen!). This means, I´d need commands for sending predefined
> Logitech-WLAN-Commands. And this should depend not on which player is
> active, but which menupoint I am in on the SC. Well, even as I re-read
> this I see, that it sounds complicated...
Ah, I see now and that would be cool!
I don't think the controller can send any commands to a player that it
is not connected to so that is definately one for Logitech (or the
OtherPlayers applet developer). If it could then I would need some way
of temporarily disabling SqueezeIR while that (imaginary) facility is
being used which shouldn't be too hard.  If the ability to control a
player without connecting to it is ever added I'll be sure to make
SqueezeIR compatible with it - can't say fairer than that :)

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