dsdreamer;593790 Wrote: 
> I could not get SvrPowerControl to work with the latest 1.6 Vortexbox
> running Perl 5.12, with a stock Vortexbox install on an Intel Atom 510
> machine. The server would suspend and resume as desired, but the SBS
> process would be running but unresponsive when the machine resumed.
> However, when I used yum to install the "testing" version of SBS
> (7.5.2), I was back in business. 
> If you have a positive sighting of SvrPowerControl running under FC
> 14/Perl 5.12 using the released SBS (7.5.1), please let me know. I
> couldn't get this combo to work.Yes, but do you know for a fact that this is 
> SrvrPowerCtrl's fault? 
I.e., have you tested 7.5.1 on your Vortexbox without SrvrPowerCtrl
being installed and then tried to manually suspend, say via ssh and a
pm-suspend command?

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