dsdreamer;590980 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> I was previously using SvrPwrControl on FedoraCore 11, under Perl 5.10,
> now I am trying to use it under FedoraCore 14 and Perl 5.12.
> What happens is for me is that the server shuts suspends as expected
> but when it comes back up by means of a WOL packet, SqueezeboxServer is
> not usable without a restart. The process is still running (technically
> in a sleeping state), but I can't connect to it from a web server or
> from any of my Squeezeboxen. Only a restart of the Squeezebox service
> will suffice to restore the ability to use the SBS, e.g., browse the
> library.
> On the other hand, if I suspend using pm-suspend from the command line,
> and bring the machine back by attempting to browse my library, it comes
> back okay without needing any additional steps when woken up.
> I could not find anything in the log files that looked relevant.
> > 
  >   > 
  > Version: 7.5.1 - r30861 @ Fri Nov 5 15:33:51 EDT 2010
  > Hostname: vortexbox.localdomain
  > Server IP Address:
  > Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
  > Operating system: Red Hat - EN - utf8
  > Platform Architecture: i686-linux
  > Perl Version: 5.12.2 - i386-linux-thread-multi
  > MySQL Version: 5.1.52
  > Total Players Recognized: 4
> > 
> Any info or hints will be appreciated.
I have updated one of my machines to Fedora 14 via preupgrade but I
haven't tested SrvrPowerCtrl on it yet.  I'm not familiar enough with
the differences between perl 5.10 and 5.12 to anticipate whether or not
things were likely to break in my code.  I'll have to give it a thorough
tire-kicking over the next few days and report back to you if I see any

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