flemming;609126 Wrote: 
> Yup, I just noticed this today.  I'll take a look at fixing the plugin
> as soon as I get a chance.  Seeing that someone else already has gives
> me hope though.  I was thinking that since the plugin is flash now I
> was pretty much screwed.  We'll see.
> Robert
> I should note that those using Sirius Canada are okay since the
> Canadian site hasn't changed.

Thanks... It's too bad SiriusXm seems to like mucking with their
infrastructure so much. The Neil Potter plugin for XM worked fine and
the streaming was rock solid. Now this transition and new design and
it's such a hassle to get things working and all the plugin and 3rd
party app developers have to catch up. 

Anyway the new app may be flash but in the end it's always WMP
streaming under the covers, from what I've seen (e.g. the old XMRO app
was also flash.) 

On another note, still haven't found a Windows Gadget for Sirius,
either. Any suggestions?

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