flemming;609126 Wrote: 
> Yup, I just noticed this today.  I'll take a look at fixing the plugin
> as soon as I get a chance.  Seeing that someone else already has gives
> me hope though.  I was thinking that since the plugin is flash now I
> was pretty much screwed.  We'll see.
> Robert
> I should note that those using Sirius Canada are okay since the
> Canadian site hasn't changed.

I just took a quick look at it and the upside is they seem to have
switched to something XML-RPC based so I won't have to deal with
parsing HTML anymore.  The downside of course is that I need to
essentially start from scratch.  I'll see what I can do, but this may
end up taking me a while to fix.  For the US site you can always go
back to the official plugin, though you'll lose the ability to stream
different channels to different players.


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