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chincheta0815;608872 Wrote: 
> I tried a little bit more and implemented the function for deleting the
> local cache files. Therefore I also introduced a new string called
> "NONE", which needs to be added to the strings file. The controller
> runs stable without problems. I tried it in various combinations, but
> there is still some testing required...
> I attached the file and improve the comments. Just sarch for "START OF
> The memory issues seems to be solved. One more idea for improvement
> would be to only load those commands from the lirc files needed, if not
> already implemented.
> Not in the code is the idea of choosing the default config file
> repository (local or server) for the reason I once mentioned. I think
> this option is up to the creator of SqueezeIR.
> Hope this helps.

The very early versions of SqueezeIR worked along these lines by saving
the configuration files to the filesystem rather than to the SqueezePlay
settings.  Whilst I agree that it does work very nicely and avoids some
overhead it did have a couple of problems:

1) The files would not persist from an applet update from the repo or a
firmware update whereas the settings file does.

2) Somwhere around version 7.4 the object model changed such that all
the io commands had to be re-written and it was really hard to maintain
backward compatibility.  Bluegaspode make some efforts with that issue
for me.  This could happen again whereas framework changes would (I
hope) maintain compatibility over a couple of versions.

I appreciate your help but I decided to tackle the root cause (tying up
the CPU) rather than trying to work around it.  However, I'm always open
to suggestions...


2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller
indifference_engine's Profile: 
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