To recap: iPhone 3GS, ipeng, SBS 7.6 on Mac os x 10.6, using
squeezeslave and 1st generation squeezebox as players. I have a large
library of 200,000+ tracks. 

It seems like no matter what I do, and no matter what state I leave the
phone and app in (other than force quitting the app prior to putting the
phone to sleep, my phone gets warm, even when asleep and the battery
charge vanishes. 

In fact, even with no music playing and the phone asleep it gets warm
and runs down the battery.

My phone is not jail broken. 

It impossible that ipeng is using 100% CPU?

What can I do? What test can I perform?  Can you make a setting to quit
the app when pressing the home button?

Help... I really don't know what to try next.

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