mightbej;612740 Wrote: 
> I tried to childproof the Squeezebox Radio with a combination of Multi
> Library and Album Flow. Basically I followed the WIKI: "Setup kids room
> SqueezeBox" and expected to see only the 'Kids Albums' in the Flow. But
> it is not working as I thought. Am I wrong or is that the way Album
> Flow is designed?
Album Flow currently doesn't have support for the library concept in
Multi Library plugin.

You could use Custom Browse plugin instead of Album Flow but that will
only give you a standard browse menu and not the flow.

However, I think it's a really good idea to be able to limit the Album
Flow content to a pre-configured library, so I'll add this to the todo
list for a future release.

mightbej;612740 Wrote: 
> Btw. On one Radio, Album Flow is working nice, on the second Radio it
> is forcing spontanous reboots right after installation.
Does it reboot when you launch the Album Flow or does it reboot
immediately after the Radio has started ?


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
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