gharris999 Wrote: 
> No such luck. The cron job, while it serves to block and unblock
> SrvrPowerCtrl, is really independent.
> Can you look in /var/log/squeezeboxserver/srvrpowerctrl.log and see if
> the plugin is actually attempting to program the rtc for alarm wakeup?

ctweedle;630345 Wrote: 
> I tried to look at this but permission was denied (and I logged in as
> "root"). Perhaps that has something to do with the Vortexbox overlay to
> the basic Fedora software?

"Look in /var/log/squeezeboxserver/srvrpowerctrl.log" means to use a
pager (more) or text editor (nano) to view the file.  The "permission
denied" error indicates that you were trying to execute the file
instead of view it.

Enter "nano /var/log/squeezeboxserver/srvrpowerctrl.log" to view the
log with the nano text editor.

Ron Olsen
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