onimod;643588 Wrote: 
> Ah - I understand.
> Yes - I have "Automatically detect changes" enabled.
> I thought this option would simply replace my use of the Autorescan
> plugin.  
> A bit more explanation:
> To update ratings I update them in windows explorer which used to
> trigger a scan, followed by a custom scan and voila, my song/album
> would be rated.
> I will have to think about how I can achieve this now.
I might implement support for incremental scanning in Custom Scan later
on but I'm not sure exactly when I'm going to get the time and
inspiration to do it as it's a bit of work. Without support for
incremental scanning I don't want to trigger a full Custom Scan
sequence if "Automatically detect changes" is enabled as that could
take hours in a large library.

I'm not sure I see any easy workaround in your case besides manually
trigger a rescan for "new/changed files" after you have updated the
ratings in Windows Explorer.

I'm guessing Windows Explorer sets the RATING or POPM tags in the file
and you use the Custom Scan "Rating Tag" module to scan them into SBS ?


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
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