Hi Erland,

not sure if I have reported this before but I have a possible bug in
Custom Scan.

My Music is at: D:\shares\Music\Music

This double directory came about as I have other directories such as:

etc which I don't want scanning by SBS

I am importing statistics from iTunes using Custom Scan. In the module
settings if I leave the Music Path blank then I get errors in the log
such as:

[11-09-29 14:41:56.6540]
Plugins::TrackStat::iTunes::Import::handleTrack (424) file not found:
D:\shares\Music\Music\Music\Depeche Mode\Remixes 81-04\31 Photographic
[Rex The Dog Dubb Mi.mp3

Note the triple 'Music' in the URL. I can work around this by entering
D:\shares\Music as the Music path. The only down side of this is Custom
Scan finds all the Audiobooks and Videos which are not in my SBS library
and complains.

Hope that make sense. It's not really an issue (just a messy log) but I
guess there is a bug in there somewhere.




*Squeezebox:* Boom x2 (Lounge and Office), Radio (with battery)
*Server:* 7.6.1 for Windows Home Server (HP EX-490 MediaSmart Server)
*Plugins:* Dynamic Playlists | SQL Playlist | Music Information Screen
| Custom Scan | TrackStat | Album Review | Biography
*Remote:* iPod Touch Gen. 1/iPad running 'iPeng'
*Music: *'Last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/chunkywizard)
Chunkywizard's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=25868
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49483

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