Hi all,
I have just installed Squeezebox Server 7.6.1 on my Windows 7.
Unfortunately the Meteo (Weatherforecast Switzerland) plugin doesn't
work. It seems to be properly installed and also the MCPAN module. The
Plugin appears unter EXTRAS as usual but when I click on 'Allgemeine
Lage', 'Regionen' or 'Orte', nothing happens. 
I tried in vain to launch Squeezebox Server as Admininstrator and in
XP3 mode. 

Can anybody help ?

Thanks much,

The logs show this:
[11-10-06 17:13:45.9204] main::init (350) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.6.1, r33110, Wed Aug 17 18:52:34 PDT 2011) perl 5.010000
[11-10-06 17:13:53.4808] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::initPlugin (774)
Initialising v3.6.0 (trunk-7.x)
[11-10-06 17:13:53.4830] Plugins::Meteo::Plugin::getPage (483) Meteo:
cache miss
[11-10-06 17:13:53.4833] Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP::new (38)
Warning: No song passed!
[11-10-06 17:13:53.6636] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (340)
Warning: Couldn't call Plugins::Meteo::Plugin->initPlugin: Can't call
method "controller" on an undefined value at
line 385.
[11-10-06 17:13:58.4825] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2248) Lazifying database items not already done
[11-10-06 17:13:59.0973] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabase
(2305) No database items require lazification
[11-10-06 17:14:21.8315] Plugins::Meteo::Plugin::getPage (483) Meteo:
cache miss
[11-10-06 17:14:21.8322] Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP::new (38)
Warning: No song passed!
[11-10-06 17:14:22.0422] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1883) Error:
While trying to run function coderef
[Plugins::Meteo::Plugin::cliRequest]: [Can't call method "controller"
on an undefined value at
line 385.

Jürg Huder
Jürg Huder's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40318
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=90757

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