Apologies if some of this has already been brought to your attention or
if someone has come up with a similar style or if any of this repeats
something that came before.  I skimmed the topic but didn't read all 39
pages of posts.

OK, first off, I've had my Squeezebox Radio for, like, 36 hours and this
thing is cool.  It's on the expensive side for a clock radio (which is
what I needed), but it has the features I consider important.  I won't
bore you with the list of what those are.

Fairly soon into my ownership of this device, I registered for an eval
of Custom Clock and got that running.  More about that below.

One "bug" (sorta) I discovered:  the drop-down box that gives you
suggestions for timetext has a significant design flaw.  It shows
examples like "5:46" "05:46" "5:46 pm" "15 Apr" "15 April" "Wednesday 15
Apr" and the like.  The problem is that if I select "Wednesday 15 Apr"
it populated the "text" field with "%A %m1 %B".  That's not "Wednesday
15 April" it's "Wednesday 4 April" as in "month #4."  It should be "%A
%d1 %B".  The same error exists for "Wed 15 Apr" as "%a %m1 %b" where it
should be "%a %d1 %b".  You should probably correct that, it took me a
while to figure out what was wrong.

Feature request / bug:  the "alarmtimetext" feature has what I think is
a bit of a flaw.  The documentation says it shows your "next alarm," but
if the alarm is too far in the future, it shows nothing.  So, here on
Sunday afternoon if I have an alarm set to go off Tuesday at 8 a.m., it
doesn't show up at all.  I think it should show the next alarm WHATEVER
the date.  I see the alarmtimetext field has no provision for showing
the *date* of the next alarm, only its time (though %a for the
day-of-week does work in this context).  It would be nice if you could
show that the next alarm set is "06:20 Wed 20 Apr" even if that time is
several days in the future.

Further feature request:  it would be AWESOME to be able show the next
TWO alarms, rather than just the next one.  There would be separate
fields alarm1textetime and alarm2texttime (say) for this purpose.  The
reason is that many couples set dual alarms and seeing them on a single
display would be convenient.  There probably isn't any good reason to go
to 3, 4, etc. -- but two would be really nice.

Finally, I wrote a style that I will now share with you all.  The icons
on which this depends are available at (URL ELIDED TO BE POSTED LATER)
-- I get the icons off my local Linux server (which also runs my
squeezeboxserver 7.8.0 instance) and I have sanitized the IP of that
host for purposes of the style.  What I wanted was a hi-vis style that
could be read from across the room in the middle of the night.  Here's
what I came up with:

{"models":["radio"],"name":"Big Green Simple

Corrections and improvements gratefully accepted.


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