pippin wrote: 
> But you _can_ browse the library up and down (both directions) and it
> shows correctly?
> Are you playing in iPeng (using the Playback) or on a Squeezebox?
> Is the player shown in the player/server list (when you tap the player
> name at the top right)?
> What happens when you try to play something?

Yes I can browse the folder structure up and down and it shows
I'm playing to either a Duet receiver or a Boom or both sync'd, I don't
have local playback on iPeng. Same thing happens regardless of which
SqueezeBox(s) are selected.
The players are shown in the player/server list.

When I try to play something by tapping on a track, absolutely nothing
happens. It's as if I hadn't tapped on it.

Generally I try twice, if both fail then I navigate up and down the
folder tree until iPengHD crashes (since there's no means of quitting
it) and then I can run it again and it works fine.

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