Hi Triode,

thanks a lot for fixing issue 1) below. Issues 2) and 3) seems not to be
fixed with 2.2.8. Any plans to fix them as well?

BTW, do you maintain a bug tracker for your great plugin?

Many thanks again for providing this great plugin.

> 1) When going e.g. through "Recommeneded arists", for a particular
> artist the menu might show "Albums (2)", but when I select this, it just
> shows "Empty". This is a systematic problem for all recommneded artists'
> alums and tracks.
> 2) When a track is playing and I use the context menu, selecting the
> entry with the artist's name, the Sueezebox shows "Cannot request
> non-HTTP URL anyurl".
> 3) Way mor minor but also could be improved: The recommeneded artist
> list is completely unsorted and even some are in all-caps.
> I could not see any interesting logs spotifyd.log, even in debug mode.

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