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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.


You did a wonderful job and took out what was really missing from the
Squeeze Controller!
I deserve you at least a beer or two!
I didn't see a donate link on your web site though, you should think
about it!

About the newest versions:
I noticed that the SqueezeIR_1.13.zip is not listed in the available
What about putting new releases in a GoogleDrive or similar cloud
services and share the link?

Luckily I found I downloaded a few months ago and kept it in my
Squeezebox archive
and I've been able to make my xml file grow up to 45KB!

About SqueezeIR improvements I would like to write down my observations
that might be taken into account for future releases:

  I'm using a profile for each SB receiver an one main menu:
  should I create different main menus for each receiver or can I assign
  a <profile></profile> tag to a menu item itself?              
  I have several submenus in which I have several macros which involve
  different remotes actions at the same time
  and some playerActions which happen to be replicated several times: in
  keys, in menu events and in IPevents as well.
  I was wondering why not creating another object called "macro" defined
  in its own section where we could define each single macro
  only once and then call it whenever needed. A macro could be used as a
  complex action element
  To simplifying things all playerAction elements could be included in
  actions thus allowing playerActions to be ordered inside a single
  event flow.
                <event ID="HOLD">
                                <action order="1">
                                <action order="2">
                                <action order="3">
                                <action order="4">
  would become:
                <macro ID="WakeUp">
                                <action order="1">
                                <action order="2">
                                <action order="3">
                                <action order="4">
                        <action order="5">
  And my event would then become:
                <event ID="HOLD">
                                <action order="1">
                                <action order="2">
                                        Whatever else action or macro or 
  My 45KB xml would reduce by maybe half and I could modify each macro
  only once instead of having to search every time for all the
  I noticed that the order parameter is used exclusively: if I put by
  error two order 2s only the last one is taken into account.
  This is a strict behaviour but it might be more simple to use the
  order parameter as a sorting one: all the elements ordered would
  appear by their order number and then sorted alphabetically (this
  would be both useful in menus and in IPevents - see last observation)
  In this way I could build my menus by adding new items or moving
  items' positions without having to check again and again each order
  parameter value.
  The "Update Configuration link" is not working, I tried several times
  to use it without success.
  Not sure if it's a bug or I'm missing something in the xml
  configuration to enable it.
  It would be really useful to update all my controllers remotely with
  just one click!
  A few ideas:
  In IPevents it would be great to have order parameters as well with
  the same flexible definition described above.
  I imagined also it would be great to organize tables differently:
  2 3 4 5 10 repeat times are needed only for volumes control and count
  times could be decided inside the IPevents
  definition by a count parameter as in actions elements. Thus if I need
  Vol+ 1 time or 5 times I could easily create two
  events with same command and different count values.
  Imagine now instead, to use columns to organize devices' commands:
  the first column would have listed unlimited IPevents which have order
  parameter set from 0 to 9
  the second column would have listed IPevents order parameter set from
  10 to 19
  Likely all the IR-o-IP links would fit on a single page without the
  need of scrolling.
  A last nice thing would be to have the SqueezeIR:OK:IROIP feedback
  inside a management DIV floating on the right of the screen
  together with "Update Configuration" and "Reload Cache" links to
  maximize the space in the page.

Well not bad after not even two days of usage of your wonderful tool,
probably more ideas will pop up in the next few days!

Kind regards,

PS It would be great to add in the future *X10 elements to actions*, but
I did non investigate yet on SqueezeBox X10 third party

virx71's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=50716
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